Friday, December 7, 2012

Final Reflections

Self-directed Learning / Personal Blog Posts
I feel like I have always been pretty hip on digital culture. This course helped solidify my knowledge and helped me to see everything I know. I feel like blogs and G+ posts were not used as much in the second half of the class as they were in the beginning. However, I am always reading up on Cnet, Android Central, and watching for new interesting topics. I also always read up on lecture topics after class. I think that this furthering of my knowledge really helped my husband and I connect more on his techie level because he is much more hip than I am. The documented self directed learning I have done can be view in my blog archive to the left and G+ posts can be seen on my profile stream.

I acted as the "group leader" of sorts. I handled all of the management and coordinating. I also did the most of putting together the blog. I contributed to the planning of the project and the blog. I acted as a consultant to other groups for the English Society being an outlet. I feel like I was a vital part of the class contributing opinion and most importantly knowledge and experience.

Others’ assistance
I have mentioned how Katie and Greg have been inspirational, informational, etc in the past. I also have to add that I have really gained respect for Casey. I feel like he has taught me a lot in many ways and most importantly contributed in my gaining of more respect for video games in general. I also feel like Curtis has been a vital part of helping to teach copy right. The rest of my group was also very helpful in learning the same material that I was studying at the same time. I feel like everyone in the class had something "assisting" to say at some point as well though.

Digital Literacy

I fee like I have always been pretty digitally literate. More this semester I feel I have become aware and confident of my skills. I have tried to be more conscious of my consuming in making sure I use digital media for positive things. I have tried to follow the news and new happenings more. I have also started using e-books and audio book recently which is something i have been pretty anti in the past. I have become digitally literate in creating with my blog, status posts, etc. I also have downloaded several photography apps and started becoming more of a cell phone photographer. Connecting has always been a huge part of my life. This is the main way I keep in touch with my family and friend not around here. I also have helped connect with my sister as she is looking for a college. I have also taken Facebook, Instagram, etc more seriously rather than wastes of time. I also follow many blogs and I feel like that connects me with the blogging community that makes me feel connected to that little family.

I feel like this was a good semester. There are a lot of things that I would change, but I am glad I took the class-- I suppose. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Digital Culture Questions.

1) According to The Break Up 2.0, how relationships are effected by new media is:
    • negatively because boys seem to be too much of pansies to break up in person
    • undetermined because there is no consensus or standardization of new media manners
    • positively because now girls can not only stalk  their boyfriends easier, they can also talk to the 24/7 now as well. 

2) E-books have increased the purchase of print books.
    • True
    • False

3) According to Ayesha Dawood, why does "the Internet [have] the potential to make us lose our inhibitions":
    • We become less restrained by norms and conventions that then allows us to indulge in conduct that we would ordinarily not feel comfortable in.
    • Anon makes us.
    • We have no inhibitions 
4) While most professionals are formally educated in a college setting, the self-taught enthusiast can provide equally comparable experience and expertise and will begin to flood the job market thanks to our new digital culture and tools at our disposal. 
5) While completely withdrawing from the media and technology of our society is more harmful than positive, a media diet providing balance and moderation in all things can help to keep our digital culture from over running our lives. 
  • Find Jalena's opinion here