Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Breakup 2.0

I read The Breakup 2.0: Disconnecting Over New Media by Ilana Gershon
I was very interested in this idea of how
technology is affecting our personal lives.

This is my review posted in Goodreads:
"While this book was funny and entertaining, Gershon's conclusion limits the further exploration that the subject could provide if there were more hard and fast facts to look into. Gershon explores how social media has come to effect our lives and relationships and, in particular, our breakups. However, she simply concludes that so many new medias are changing so quickly that their impact cannot be determined because everyone uses the media in their own way. Simplified - how relationships are affected can't be summarized because this is just all too new and just too evolving and varying. However, she did bring out an important and interesting idea that there is no standardization in new media. There is no consensus in how it should be used, what is appropriate, or even how it is perceived. Thus, what method you use to break up through is defined on your feelings of the media. We then all interpret things differently as our own social analyst, so a break up over text may seem bad to one and okay to another. Despite the limitation of Gershon's book, she provides a fun sociological look at new age media that is still interesting and though provoking."
While I was disappointed by the lack
of exploration into the idea of relationships
I still found interesting insight
into this idea of the internet and new media
being unable to be regulated and standardized

there really is no way to say
this is the hard fast way things are done
because there are so many varying uses to the internet
and everyone uses it in their own way

and then interprets things in their own way too

in short, the internet is just a beast that cannot be tamed
and that no one has the answers for

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