Wednesday, September 12, 2012

internet indulgence digression

I have been thinking
a lot about the LONG TAIL.

and how much we are able to indulge
in things we normally would not be able to

like strange music:

i like Circa Survive (Oct 15!)
Anthony has a side project called The Sound of Animals Fighting
weird stuff.
like some things are really good and interesting
but its not something i would ever really buy i dont think
yes through the web
i can indulge in these things i else wise would not

long tail:
circa survive. (anthony green)
deftones (Oct 17!) (chino moreno)
love them both
bam! they did some side work together
would have never know
was it not for these new "suggestions for you"
thanks to: the lonnggg tail

digression 2 :
in the last year, i have watched ALL of the seasons of:
The United States of Tara
Breaking Bad
White Collar
Anthony Bordain No Reservations
LA Ink
NY Ink
Man vs Wild
and I am working on Sons of Anarchy right now

not to mention all of these shows
have SEVERAL or more seasons

how many hours of tv have i watched in the last year
thanks to that of netflix
and some handy internet skills of my husband

this is something we would never do
if it werent for the internet

we would never sit down and be able to watch
ALL of the episodes of a tv show

I found this article
Web of Darkness? by Ayesha Dawood

i just scanned it
but it is something i plan to read in depth

and i love it
because she has done
what we have just looked at now
and are about to do ourselves
in comparing internet to Heart of Darkness
"An interesting analogy of the Internet as having the potential to make us lose our inhibitions can be made. Is the Internet a jungle, replete with uncharted territory and lack of social, political and economic constraints? The further that one goes into the abyss of the Internet the less restrained one is by norms and conventions. As Joseph Conrad in his acclaimed novel, Heart of Darkness, suggests, the further you go into the jungle the less constrained and more uninhibited we become. The jungle is an abyss - a place of darkness and untold secrets; the deeper we sink into the abyss the more our unconscious allows us to be. The jungle is also a place of acceptance. Due to the lack of standards of what is acceptable behavior we all have the potential to indulge in the deeper, darker inner recesses of our mind."

is this why young girls go wild on the internet?
is this why we lose touch with things we would normally and conventionally do?
according to her:
"Likewise the Internet allows us to indulge in conduct that we would ordinarily not feel comfortable in. We traverse and /or indulge and express our innermost unconscious desires."

I guess my innermost  desires are that of drugs, tattoos, and wildlife survival.

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